Investment Loans Even though your investment home loan can be used for any type of investment, it is commonly used to purchase an investment property. The technique often involves using the equity that you have already in your own home. The amount of equity you have is worked out taking what you owe on your home away from what it is worth. Line of credit or revolving line of credit loans can be an efficient way to take advantage of investment opportunities as they arise. Choose well and they can be a flexible product, allowing you to draw on funds as you need to. These types of loans will almost always be at an interest rate which is lower than a personal loan. Plus, you now have options from different lenders where very little detail is required regarding what you intend to do with the funds, provided you have the ability to repay the loan. Your investment home loan can be what is referred to as a “full-doc”, “low-doc” or “no-doc” depending on your circumstances. Every lender and each loan product will have fees that are payable in one way or the other which makes using a broker a key part of your investment decision making. We understand the lenders, we know their products and we know what’s important to the lenders and what’s not. We can work through the options with you, maximise the use of your assets if appropriate, and if you're purchasing a property for the first time, or looking to add to your portfolio, trying to decide whether you buy your property in your own name or set up a trust, or maybe you’re confused as to how to structure your next purchase against your self-employed income, we have the experience to help. Click here to see some of the the structuring options that are available. Making the correct decision can be the difference between success and stress! Make your next decision based on these points:
Why choose us …. Our Mortgage Broking skills offer you expertise in finance and helping you select the lender and the loan product that is best for your circumstances – importantly now but equally important is this choice must work for you in the future.
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