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contact us
Head Office Qld
Suite 28 Level 4
Hyper Centre
50-56 Sanders Street
Upper Mt Gravatt Qld 4122
T: 1300 886 724
F: 1300 886 725
PO Box 6714
Upper Mt Gravatt Q 4122

What Our Clients Say

At 360 Degree Wealth, we take pride in the quality of our service, our hospitality and our comfortable atmosphere. We also have adequate parking at our premises and you can ask to have a space reserved for your visit. 

If you would like to share your experience with our company with others, please leave us a testimonial. You can email us by clicking this link.


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"Dear Shane and Kristi, Thank you for meeting with us last Friday to discuss our home loan refinance options. Six months prior to our meeting, G was diagnosed with a critical illness and was forced to take a short, unplanned leave of absence from her work. This put us in a unique situation requiring some temporary financial changes. It seemed to us that following G's return to normal health, we should consolidate our debts and lower our total debt repayments. This would enable us to better manage our accounts and also allow us to save $$$. We began researching services of 'well known' providers, including one of the 'big 4' banks. At the same time we were recommended to a smaller provider, Ocean Blue (now trading as 360 Degree Wealth Services), through a work colleague who had already experienced your high standard of professionalism for himself. Our friend told us that Shane would provide us with a realistic approach to our unique financial situation, and that we can expect to be treated well throughout the whole process.

We can honestly say, that Ocean Blue (now trading as 360 Degree Wealth Services) won our business hands down! What the big bank took 5 weeks to arrange (with several unnecessary delays along the way), you managed to achieve in 3 days. We believe this efficiency is due to your commitment to first class service through a forward thinking approach to ensure you get the details right the first time. Personally, we also appreciated how your standard of service includes a very friendly and welcoming style, such as the personalised sign in reception welcoming us personally to the meeting with Shane. Little touches like this made us feel like real people, not just an account number - and truly is a breath of fresh air. We came away from the meeting not only happy with the refinance options you presented to us, but also with a real sense of your willingness to understand our situation and provide us with realistic and valuable guidance.

We really do thank you for everything you have done for us and for giving us back our confidence in smaller, less known finance advisors and the banking industry generally. Shane and Kristi, you have showed us that you actually have a genuine interest in our well-being and we feel we could not have achieved as good outcomes without your guidance.

We will definitely be recommending your services to our other family, friends and colleagues. We wish you and Kristi a long and prosperous future. Thank you again for all your guidance and understanding.  Kind regards,"

Gem and Tim


"Dear Shane, thank you for your time on Saturday. You shared invaluable information with us and left us with plenty to think about and to get on with. We are truly grateful for all that you have done. Our lovely home is a constant reminder of what you achieved for us. Just the fact that we now own a home and are no longer renting has increased our wealth by an additional $20,000 worth of equity since October last year. Thank you for taking the time and sharing an entire Saturday afternoon with us. I don't know how to thank you adequately but thank you so much. Sincerely,"

SVJ, Redland Bay


"Dear Shane, thank you so much for all of your "random acts of kindness" you've shown us recently.  It has been very much appreciated as all of your "surprises" have come at just the right moment, ie. breaking point!  I was overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness in sending me a birthday card; that was extra special.  We are looking forward to catching up with you and Wendy soon."

J and S, Victoria Point


"Hi Shane, thank you for meeting up with us on Tuesday afternoon.  We appreciate your advice but most of all we appreciate the way you didn't "sugar coat" our borrowing ability and our financial situation.  We felt that you were truly concerned about our financial well being (not just in borrowing terms).  We're working on our short term goal, that is to find a job for T and to get family assistance from Centrelink.  When we've got a second income coming we will definitely be reassessing our situation and will be asking for your service.  Once again, thank you for the reality check and thank you for saving us from what could have been a disastrous future."

JB, Brisbane


"Hi, today we received a Coles Myer gift voucher in the mail from Shane celebrating our 1 year anniversary on our settlement with RAMS. We must say, we feel WE should be the one’s buying gift vouchers for you guy’s. It was Shane’s helpful guidance that put us on the right track and we are excited at what lays ahead. I found Jenni reading my Australian Property Investor magazine the other night, 12 months ago her diet was strictly Womens Day. We look forward to meeting up with you again Shane and discussing our next steps to Property number three. Many thanks again. Regards, C"

CB, Mt Cotton


"Well Shane, you certainly have lived up to the very high recommendations of (a mutual friend) DT and we would like firstly to congratulate you on your professionalism and secondly thank you for everything you have done for us to assist with purchasing our new investment property. It certainly is refreshing to know that there exists an investment advisor who actually has a genuine interest in the wellbeing of the client. I did not think they existed! We most certainly would not have achieved anything without your assistance as I believe that no other advisor could have gone close to providing the level of confidence that you have given us. We wish you and all at Ocean Blue Finance (now trading as 360 Degree Wealth Services) a long and prosperous association with all existing and future clients and friends."

R&E,  Cleveland


"Thanks for your advice re using the [investment property] money on settlement of our city apartment.  All monies have been received and all good to go for apartment settlement tomorrow.  I think I probably set a new loan speed record, doing it all in 2 days, but it probably saved me $10k or so, so definitely worth it!"

R&A, Raby Bay

Many thanks for your help and the surprise of the hamper.  It almost brought a tear to my eye - since the last 6 months have been a stress.  Thank you for standing by us and being calm when we were not.  With gratitude. 

 A&C, Capalaba


Dealer Group:
Wealthsure Financial Services Pty Ltd
Australian Financial Services Licenseewealth_sure
License Number 326450
T: 08 9267 3444
F: 08 9267 3499

360 Degree Wealth Services are a Corporate Authorised Representative of Wealthsure Financial Services Pty Ltd..

Our Australian Financial Services Licence is provided by Wealthsure Financial Services Pty Ltd (AFSL No. 326450) the Wealthsure Financial Services Pty Ltd AFSL applies to financial products only. Please note financial broking, mortgage broking, home loans are not considered to be financial products.

The information contained within the website is of a general nature only. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the material, 360 Degree Wealth Services will not bear responsibility or liability for any action taken by any person, persons or organisation on the purported basis of information contained herein. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no person, persons or organisation should invest monies or take action on reliance of the material contained herein but instead should satisfy themselves independently of the appropriateness of such action.

*Independently owned means that 360 Degree Wealth Services Pty Ltd is not owned by Institutions or Product Manufacturers.